Mircea Coman
Favorite venues: Varlaam (Romania)
Favorite baits: Meat & Fish, Belachan
Echipamente preferate:
Favorite style: Using a boat as opposed to casting
Personal best: 21.2 kg
Personal profile
I love carp fishing. As I’m typing that I’m realizing it may not be enough of a clarification. I’m now second-guessing myself – am I actually obsessed? I love nature, I love reed infested waters with tall, mature trees, I love clean lakes with a friendly atmosphere. I’ve often asked myself how long am I willing to wait just to trick some carp and photograph them. The more they avoid me, the more stubborn I become actually. To cut a long story short, I’d love to fish more than I can but I do give as much as humanly possible of my free time to my fishing.
I’m really big on Catch and Release fishing, perhaps because sadly in my country I realized that if I want big carp, the only way is to send them back myself. I don’t think there’s any better feeling that seeing the big’un go out of your sling back to its watery home. I find it truly special when I send the carp back to nature knowing all too well we may meet again and he may just be my new personal best.
I also love testing and playing around with rigs, baits, gear, and basically everything fishing-related. I’m not just happy catching, I want to know why and how I caught. I never put a rig out without first thinking about the lakebed and possible carp paths, or about how the rig and bait will work.
I read as much as I can and I watch every movie or DVD I think holds value for my fishing. I’m also passionate about exchanging ideas with other people and their angling. Again to cut a long story short, I’m always trying to learn new things and improve my angling.
When it comes to baits, I’ve been through every stage an angler can go through. I’ve been with Select Baits for quite a few years now. I have full confidence in everything they offer – bottom baits, wafters, pop-ups, pellets, groundbait and particles. I’ve fished enough venues in numerous scenarios with enough results by now to be completely confident in Select Baits.